When you get into trouble on your travels, only then will you appreciate properly selected assistance services, knowing that your insurance company will not leave you alone. So that the right insurance company does not get into trouble, we ensure the development and management of the system with SLA support.
AXA ASSISTANCE CZ is a specialist in travel insurance and B2B services for companies on European and global markets. It belongs to the AXA financial group, one of the most stable and important groups in the world, which was founded more than 200 years ago. AXA ASSISTANCE CZ, which has been operating on the Czech market since 1998, is not only an independent insurance intermediary, but also provides assistance services, assistance in the liquidation of insurance claims and the provision of other related administrative services.

Key system management and development
AXA ASSISTANCE CZ is a major player in the provision of assistance and transport services, medical care and legal assistance worldwide. In order to adequately ensure the health and comfort of its clients in critical situations, the insurance company relies on its key case management system for managing and resolving insurance claims.
Blogic for AXA ASSISTANCE CZ ensures the administration and development of the case management system, which integrates the areas of Medical, Travel, Home and Legal insurance claims with a database of contractual partners. Assistance and transport services and medical services are connected to this database, which deal with help and support around the world. Our team ensures the operation of the application with maximum emphasis on the performance and stability of the system. This requires SLA support and ensuring timely resolution of critical points. To this end, the Blogic team has also initiated the deployment of advanced Azure App Insight measurement tools that allow monitoring and optimizing application performance.
SLA support
During the cooperation between AXA ASSISTANCE CZ and Blogic, we gained such trust that we took over system support and ensuring the stability of the application in operation. We provide these service support services and SLAs for critical situations in several categories according to severity. The set reaction times are based on the client's highest international standards for providing service care.
With our service services, we provide support not only to AXA ASSISTANCE CZ customers, but also to its contractual partners and their clients from among prestigious institutions and brands from the insurance industry, the automotive industry and other industries. The insurance company has additional operational applications for these partners to manage business processes, where Blogic also provides service and development.
Planned regular development as the key to success
To ensure the maximum performance of the entire backbone case management system, regular development sprints are continuously run and changes are put into operation using regular and carefully planned releases. We also deployed automated cypress testing with control mechanisms to eliminate critical situations in real operation. Careful testing and acceptance also takes place on the client side before the changes are put into live operation.
Our service services are not only focused on Friday systems. We manage and develop the functionality of B2C solutions for end clients of insurance companies for the liquidation of insurance claims. AXA ASSISTANCE CZ also uses our rich experience from our long-term work in the fintech and insurtech segments to consult on planned changes in key areas of its operation. We are currently participating in the preparation of a project concept for moving applications and the entire backbone system to the cloud, which will provide the client with better scalability, availability and stability with incomparably lower operating costs.
Service and development support from the Blogic team plays a key role in ensuring the performance and stability of the AXA ASSISTANCE CZ backbone case management system. In this way, we support not only the direct clients of the insurance company, but also its contractual partners. Based on the results of our cooperation, we dare to say that our service support and development of key applications represent a model of quality and professional service for complex and demanding systems. This cooperation helps AXA ASSISTANCE CZ to provide its clients with fast and reliable support in their most difficult moments.