In a record short time, we took over the administration of the MůjŠanon client zone. The takeover also included rewriting the application from Java technology to .NET technology. We managed the entire takeover and migration to another technology in a record short time of 3 months.
The company Fincentrum turned to us with a request to take over and further develop their client portal MůjŠanon. After the review, we found that the original solution was in a very bad state, so we decided to migrate this solution from the original Java technology to .NET technology.
The goal was to provide clients with a reliable and efficient portal that would meet their needs and requirements. The new version contained a number of improvements, including improved performance and security. The MůjŠanon client zone allows clients to see all information about their financial portfolio in real time and control their financial activities quickly and efficiently. Our task was to create an intuitive and simple solution that would allow clients to get a quick overview of their financial portfolio, get information about income and expenses and track their investments. The platform is useful for clients who want to keep track of their financial activities and be in touch with their financial advisors.

The MyŠanon client zone is simple and intuitive. It allows clients to see all information about their financial portfolio in real time. It allows them to quickly and efficiently control their financial activities. Clients can get a quick overview of their financial portfolio, get information about income and expenses and track their investments. Users can view their investment history and watch their portfolios evolve over time. They can also get information about different financial products and opportunities in the market and choose the most suitable one for them.
The platform is useful for clients who want to keep track of their financial activities and be in touch with their financial advisors.